These guides are designed to provide you and your child with essential information about higher education so that they can make the best and most informed choices for their future.

Is higher education the right choice for my child?

Every child learns in their own unique way – where one might thrive in a classroom another will thrive on a football pitch. There is no one-size fits all approach to higher education and how it should be taught. What UCFB offers is numerous degree programme options that cover the varied job opportunities on offer in the football and sports industry. Our educational model is to provide students with a unique experience which includes access to elite industry professionals and exceptional work experience opportunities with leading sports clubs and organisations, on top of the traditional model of classroom learning.

What should my child study?

UCFB offers a range of undergraduate degree programmes across its two campuses. Our programmes cover finance, marketing, media, coaching, psychology and events management, spanning a broad range of disciplines within the football and sports spectrum. Students across all programmes have access to the exclusive UCFB Award in Football & Sports Leadership, and also have the chance to study at each campus throughout their time here.

How can I help?

As a parent of someone heading to UCFB, it’s important to know where your child will be living and studying and what is expected of them. All of this information can be found on the UCFB website under the Studying at UCFB and Apply sections. In the meantime, we recommend that you familiarise yourself with UCAS procedures, such as the various deadlines that are set, to ensure your child has all the necessary tools and support needed.

What to expect in the first few weeks?

If your child begins studying at UCFB it is likely to be the first time they’ve ever lived away from home, so you are both likely to be nervous. This is normal and something all parents or guardians feel when they leave their child on their own for the first time. The first few weeks at UCFB for your child will be an exciting time for them as they settle into their new home and meet new people. The first major event of their time at UCFB will be Freshers’ Week – a mix of fun activities including city tours, sports competitions and social events – before the hard work really starts in the classroom.

Download the UCFB prospectus

Our prospectus has been designed to guide you along your path to a fulfilling career in the world's most exciting industries!

Download now
Attend a UCFB Open Day

At our Open Days you will meet and hear from our hugely experienced academic team, get the chance to speak to our staff and current students and tour the magnificent surroundings which will be your academic home for three years.

UCFB Undergraduate Open Days