There are many reasons why people sign up for a Master’s degree – from gaining expert knowledge in a specific field to catering for a career change, the list goes on and on, as do the benefits of completing it.

GIS’ MSc Sports Directorship programme is, unsurprisingly, no different but the stand-out reason for several delegates on the course is a rather unique one, and is testament to the unrivalled opportunities on offer.

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While the additional qualification and growth in knowledge are both vital for propelling your career in the industry, it is the doors that the Sports Directorship programme opens, and the people it exposes you to, that delegates deem its most valuable asset.

Matt Bennett, First Team Operations Manager at Aston Villa FC, said: “The relationships have been really important. I’ve met people from a wide range of different backgrounds in sport and we keep in contact quite regularly now as well.”

With several respected names in sport completing the course, including Olympic medallist Rebecca Adlington and Premier League Champion Joleon Lescott, delegates are thrown in amongst leading names from the industry, who share their experiences and whose insight provides an entirely fresh perspective, as does that of the wide range of background of those enrolled, from professional gambling to successful businessmen.

For former Scottish international footballer Andrew Webster, though, it’s less about the other people he engages with and more about the time it gives him to self-reflect and push forward in his career.

He commented: “[The course enables me to] think about my own personal development. When you’re in a job, you think about the job in turn and you don’t really focus on yourself. For me, it’s been really good to actually think about my own career and where I want to get to and how I’m going to get there.”

There are still places available on this September’s intake of MSc Sports Directorship programmes, where you’ll learn from, sit alongside and surround yourself with sporting leaders of today and tomorrow.

Find out more.