After completing an undergraduate degree in Sports Coaching, and gaining a wealth of experience in the field, Charles Lamb was determined to do everything he could to elevate his career to the next level – that of sport management.

Craving a fresh challenge, he enrolled on GIS’ MSc International Sport Management programme – and never looked back. Charles said: “With my coaching experience, I wanted to gain more knowledge of the sports industry and also to develop my management skills. Doing the programme really helped me gain that knowledge, and I feel like that’s helped me with gaining employment.”

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He continued: “The business side of the sport industry really interested me, and that pushed me towards wanting to develop my knowledge and boost my own skill-set.”

And his Master’s degree did precisely that. Having previously worked as a Head Coach at Active Soccer, the full-time role Charles landed upon completing the course was his first at a managerial level, as Operations Manager at Elite Youth Sports.

Explaining how his degree not only helped in securing the role, but excelling within it, Charles continued: “From the programme I’ve taken quite a few things into my role - the marketing modules and the commercial strategy modules, and that’s really helped Elite with their strategies, their business growth and also their recruitment.”

Facing unprecedented obstacles in this new position, Charles shares what he gets up to on a daily basis. He finishes: “I work with the general manager and we look to create sales strategies and marketing strategies and ways of growing the business. I also look at improving the coaches; developing the coaching education programmes, and also help with assessments and recruitment.”

Click here to find out more about GIS’ unique Master’s degrees.