With two Premier League titles, an FA Cup and a League Cup to his name, Joleon Lescott is not short of domestic triumphs from his time in England’s top flight.

The greatest highlight of all, though? Representing England. Even without the silverware his club career glimmered with.

In response to how playing for his country compared to playing for various clubs, including Manchester City, he said: “Playing for England is a huge honour, it’s something you dream about before you even realise you’re going to be a professional. As you progress in your career, you tend to analyse how close you are to it.”

And he didn’t just play for them, Lescott became a regular in Roy Hodgson’s squad at Euro 2012, scoring his first international goal for England with a header against France in the opening match of the campaign, leading the Lions to a solid start with a 1-1 draw.

Speaking exclusively to GIS, he continued: “My personal highlight, I would say scoring. I was able to score a goal in a tournament which some great players haven’t been able to do.”

Having retired five years ago, Lescott is keen to pursue other avenues but is aware of the fact that, whatever route he chooses, nothing will quite compare to being a player on the pitch.

The former defender explained: “I’m not going to love anything the same way I did playing, so I don’t want to be rushing into a decision where I’m fixed into something where the enjoyment isn’t there.”

In order to keep his options open, and keep expanding his horizons, Lescott enrolled on GIS’ MSc Sports Directorship programme, in which he is striving to develop the skills and vision to become a successful sporting director.

Commenting why he chose this path above all others, Lescott said: “It’s about learning things I have zero experience in, finance being one, managing budgets, but the biggest draw was to have a Master’s degree. Having left school with no GCSE’s that was a big plus.”

Click here to find out more about GIS’ MSc Sports Directorship programme.