Tranmere Rovers will walk out at Wembley Stadium on Sunday afternoon in one of the biggest games in their recent history when they take on Sunderland in the EFL Trophy final. Sponsoring the team that day will be Prinsix, a company founded by GIS student Juliet McArdle. Juliet, who’s on the MSc Football Business programme, founded the finance compliance company six years ago and is a proud Wirral resident – where Tranmere are based.

Alongside business partner and fellow GIS student Bruce Tebbutt, as well as VSI delegate and former professional footballer Joe Thompson, Juliet and Prinsix will proudly be associated with Tranmere for their big day. Here, she tells us more…

Tell us more about your company Prinsix that you run with fellow GIS student Bruce Tebbutt and VSI student Joe Thompson? 

Prinsix was incorporated when I returned to the United Kingdom after working offshore in Jersey for over 16 years. My career offshore was the start of a journey working in compliance which included working on large-scale remediation projects, including delivering training in anti-money laundering and anti-bribery and corruption to name a few. It was here that I developed an understanding of private equity investment after working for companies including State Street Private Bank and PwC. 

L-R: Juliet, Joe and Bruce.

And now you’re making your way into the sports industry? Why is that?  

After returning to the Wirral I continued my career in compliance and recently attained Chartered Status with the Chartered Institute of Securities and Investments. Throughout my career I’ve realised that the relationship between finance and football is connected and my ability to manage stakeholder relationships and implement operational monitoring plans is one of my strong points. Building on the education I gained from courses undertaken with Oxford and Cambridge in Fintech and sustainability, I was keen to build on this and develop my strategy skills.

I decided to join GIS as I thought my skill set would be in demand in the industry; subsequently I’ve established a relationship with Bruce Tebbutt and FATP Productions. Realising how influential music is within the football industry I wanted to promote the good work that they have done by making connections in the music industry. I then connected with Joe Thompson after realising how important it is to make connections in the sports industry, and with his excellent ability to deliver influential talks to inspire others, I considered that his work would complement any future projects for Prinsix.

How did the opportunity to virtually sponsor Tranmere Rovers for this weekend’s Wembley showdown come about? 

Bruce initiated this by researching Tranmere as part of his studies, and from there the connection to my home town came along which has only strengthened my relationship with the team and football in general. I also went to school at Tranmere's Campus (training ground).

You've previously said that your late mum inspired you. She was also a councillor in the Wirral. Does it feel like a circle is being completed by backing Tranmere this weekend with your business?

My mum did so much good work in the community. I feel that I am closing the loop and I’m delighted that my work is being promoted in my home town. Her work was recognised by many and it is an honour to recognise that this weekend.

As part of this you also invited Nicola Palios, Tranmere CEO, to talk to your fellow classmates. How was that experience and what did you learn?  

My connection with Nicola Palios was one of pure determination to break down the barriers in the football industry, and bring together industry leaders to discuss how they have managed through the COVID-19 crisis and how loyal they have stayed to their fans. It was a delight to have Nicola as a guest at GIS, with real first-hand experience of what it is like to run a football club and discuss the exciting challenges that comes with it.

How do you and Prinsix hope to shape the future of the sports industry?  

My aim is to graduate from GIS and help clubs by implementing audit plans to their boards and help them provide a safe environment to return to stadiums and achieve sustainable outcomes for the benefit of all. I want this to be a fun achievement with the help of FATP and their stakeholders and bring their music to all. I will also be working with Joe so he can share his amazing story and his achievements as an example to all that no matter what life brings to you, you should never give up and reach for your dreams.

Click here to find out more about Prinsix.