London is arguably the world’s most famous city, and one of the world’s most historic, while remaining lively as ever.

With universities scattered across England’s capital, students can be found around almost every corner of London.

With UCFB bringing thousands more students from across the globe to London, to our campus at Wembley Stadium, here’s our guide to living in London as a student.

The London Underground is what offers students easy access to the whole of the city, with some lines running 24 hours a day, allowing students to visit iconic attractions such as Big Ben or St Paul’s Cathedral within minutes of stepping out the front door.

The attractions are also great to visit year-round, particularly when family members visit, including the many museums and galleries which encapsulate the city’s fashion and history.

Some of the museums across London are free for students, or offer student discounts, such as the British Museum, National Gallery and Imperial War Museum.


Probably the biggest worry for prospective students thinking of moving to London is the price of things, particularly a pint.

While the city is known for its pricey ways, people are cared for with many different services, such as Secret London or UCAS discounts, aimed at students to advise on how to save money in the city while still enjoying the benefits it has to offer.

While the city is also known as being one that never sleeps, its many parks offer students peaceful escapes when they are most needed.

Geographically, due to its mass amount of greenery spaces, London is technically not just a city, but it also classifies as a forest, with areas like Hyde, Regents and Greenwich parks all offering relaxation away from studious stresses.

With nearly nine million people living in London, the city marvels for catering to everybody’s needs and desires, whether it be film, food and drink, music and particularly sport.

While many have worries about moving to the capital each September, London keeps attracting students year on year, and continues to do so for all the right reasons.

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