One of our media students has just completed a placement at BBC Sport, which has seen him gain vital skills and experience for a career in the sports industry.

Tyreese Thomas, an Etihad Campus-based BA (Hons) Football Business and Media student, has been looking back on his time at BBC Sport, working in football television at the highest level.

During his time on placement, Tyreese worked on many different projects, including:

  • Creating questions to be used in interviews with Premier League players
  • Set design, cue cards and running on production for MOTDx
  • Setting up interviews with managers and subsequently editing them

Tyreese was also lucky enough to work closely with Alex Scott, Glenn Murray and Ashley Williams while working on Football Focus, going to Scarborough for Non-League Day.

A photo from Tyreese of the BBC Sport studios

Tyreese said: "I had a fantastic time. When I applied, I thought others will probably get this because it’s such a good opportunity and everyone in the world will apply, and someone with more experience will probably get it ahead of me.

“I always had something to do and i think because of my enthusiasm and willingness to get involved they gave me jobs with huge responsibility.

“But I asked questions, I made sure I was on the right track when assigned something to do and I took on any job that they threw at me.”

Tyreese said he is still to decide which avenue of sports media he wishes to pursue, but he’s definitely leaning towards content creation, whether that be in TV, social media, or elsewhere.

He added: “I think it’s good to have an open mind to the sport media work because there are so many jobs that you wouldn’t know about until you have witnessed it in person.

“UCFB is the perfect university for me. I have always wanted to be involved in sport and media so the fact that they offered a course which specified in exactly that was a no brainer.

“It can be challenging at times with regards to time management and the amount of assignments set, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Sometimes a challenge helps you learn more.”


He finished: “Always apply for anything that you are interested in. Yes, you might not be successful, but that then fires you up to get the next one and you will be surprised.

“You might get accepted have a great time, make contacts and land yourself a full-time job - or at the very least contacts that could lead to more opportunities in the future.”

To find out more about students placements and work experience at UCFB, click here.