Open Days are an important part of any university application, and it’s vital to make the most of all that’s on offer. Here, we’ve saved you some time by putting together a list of relevant questions to ask at a UCFB Open Day, to ensure you find out everything you need to know and choose an institution that engages and excites you.

Try to stay open-minded, find out as much information as possible and make connections on the day.


The course

  • What modules are available to study on the course?
  • Do we have to complete a research project or dissertation as part of the sports degree?
  • Do we have a choice over the modules we study?
  • Can I meet any of the lecturers?
  • What is the balance between learning in a classroom and practical courses?
  • How many hours of teaching are there per week?
  • Is there any group work involved?
  • Are there placements on offer? If so, where?

The qualifications required

  • What grades do I need for the course?
  • What happens if I don’t meet the entrance requirements?
  • Which qualifications do they accept and prefer?
  • Do they look beyond grades when considering whether or not to make you an offer?
  • What qualities or experiences are desirable to have on your CV?
  • Is it worth applying for more than one course?

The application process

  • When is the UCAS deadline?
  • What if I fail to meet the application deadline?
  • What if I change my mind about my first choice after applying?
  • Will I have to participate in an interview for a place?
  • What do academics look for in the interview process?
  • When will I know if I’ve received an offer?


  • Is a place in halls guaranteed for my first year?
  • Would I still be able to guarantee a place if UCFB was my insurance offer?
  • What is the cost of the accommodation?
  • Is en suite accommodation available?
  • Will I have to move in and out every term?
  • How close to the campus are the halls?
  • Where do I live in second and third year?

Student life and societies

  • What sports and societies are available?
  • What activities are available for women in sport?
  • What are the transport links like?
  • What is the night life like in the area?
  • Are most things available on campus in the Etihad or Wembley?

Work placement opportunities and career prospects

  • What connections do you have with renowned companies?
  • What areas are alumni now working in?
  • How does UCFB help you find a job after graduating?
  • How many graduates receive jobs in the football industry?

Lastly, it’s important to remember you’ll be living in or around this area for at least three years of your life. It’s crucial that you feel that UCFB is somewhere you can be yourself and get the best out of yourself.  Good luck from all at UCFB!

Speak to our Future Students team if you have any questions or queries you’d like to discuss.