One of our coaching students has been handing out advice to any young people aspiring to be the next Guardiola or Ferguson.

Daniel Golding, a BA (Hons) Football Coaching and Talent Development student in Manchester, says that getting out there and gaining experience is the best thing for young coaches to do.

Daniel has grown incredible during his time at UCFB, and has recently been named the new manager of the UCFB Etihad Women’s Team.

The advice he gave was: “Put yourself in positions that make you feel uncomfortable, you'll find that you grow both as a coach but also as a person that way.

“Get coaching, get a club that will allow you to coach regularly as that is the best way to learn!”

He added: “UCFB can offer you all the lectures they can but if you are not on the grass, you are doing a disservice to your time at the university.”

Daniel went on to speak about the experience he himself has earned alongside his studies: “Since being at UCFB I have had some incredible opportunities to visit places like The Cliff, meet some incredible coaches but also job opportunities.

“I've worked with clubs such as Rochdale and Curzon Ashton but also even coached a summer in Canada!

“Take advantage of what UCFB can give you, it gives you experience ready for when you graduate, but also creates those relationships with clubs that you will definitely need.”

To take a deeper look into the wide range of undergraduate sports coaching degrees available at UCFB, click here.