During their time at UCFB students are consistently encouraged to network and gain as much work experience as possible to aid their chances of employment come graduation. Sean Elderbrant, a BA (Hons) Football Business & Media graduate, did just that at the Scottish Professional Football League (SPFL). After completing numerous work placements with the governing body, an ideal opportunity arose…

During my time at UCFB I had the opportunity to undertake work experience with the SPFL after speaking to Neil Doncaster at one of his Management Games sessions.

I worked in the digital and social media team during the Christmas period of 2015, my first year at UCFB, and during the short time I was there I ended up presenting the SPFL’s then YouTube show SPFL Extra which you can take a look at here: https://youtu.be/Yq1SqTF18-4

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Sean: "I continued to work for the SPFL over other short periods during the rest of my time at UCFB and was offered the chance of paid work over the summer in 2018."

I ended up going back to work with the SPFL at the end of my first year, completing a summer-long, unpaid internship which I really enjoyed. The experience put me in the mind-frame that working with the SPFL was definitely something that I wanted to explore after graduating. I continued to work for the SPFL over other short periods during the rest of my time at UCFB and was offered the chance of paid work over the summer in 2018.

It turns out that the timing couldn’t have been better; the guy that I’d been working under during my numerous stints with the SPFL was leaving for a job down in England, so a full-time role was opening up in his absence. I worked hard over the summer to try my best to impress and gain the role full-time, and then in August, I joined the SPFL on a full-time basis as a Digital Media Executive.

My main roles are creating and posting engaging content on our various social platforms in order to try and obtain and maintain fan interest from inside and outside Scotland. I’ve also been involved with working at our Betfred Cup semi-finals and final, which is just one of the many really cool things that the role entails!

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