This page provides information on the UCFB's Football Coaching and Performance entry requirements in detail. For further information, please contact

MSc Football Coaching and Analysis

Please navigate the dropdown lists below for the detailed entry requirements for MSc Football Coaching and Analysis.

Undergraduate degree 2:2 and above

Entry requirements for undergraduate degree 2:2 and above (in one of the relevant subjects listed below) PLUS:

  • One qualification from Group 1 and;
  • One qualification or experience from Group 2
Relevant Degrees
  • Sport Science
  • Sports Coaching
  • Performance Analysis
  • Talent ID and Development
  • Science in Football
  • Any other practical football degree (coaching or analysis)
  • Joint honours can be accepted (e.g. Sports Business and Coaching) providing that the relevant subject makes up at least 50% of the degree
Group 1 - Qualifications
  • Minimum C Licence (FA Level 2)
  • Other relevant level 2 qualifications
  • UCFB Coaching Award Level 2
Group 2 - Experiences and Qualifications
  • FA Level 1 (or other level 1s such as talent ID or scouting, PFSA)
  • Other relevant level 2 qualifications (or other level 2s such as talent ID, scouting or PFSA L1 & 2)
  • Coaching experience at a professional club (e.g. in UK: EPL, EFL, WSL1 or WSL 2 clubs only)
  • Coaching experience at a semi-professional club minimum 2 years (National League to North West counties, Woman’s National league)
  • Coaching experience at grass roots level for minimum 2 years (all other coach settings for the male and female game)
  • Playing experience – professional football player or academy players
Undergraduate degree less than a 2:2

Entry requirements for undergraduate degree less than a 2:2 (in one of the relevant subjects listed below OR any degree in a non-relevant subject PLUS:

  • One qualification from group 1 and;
  • Two experiences or qualifications from group 2
Relevant Degrees
  • Sport Science
  • Sports Coaching
  • Performance Analysis
  • Talent ID and Development
  • Science in Football
  • Any other practical football degree (coaching or analysis)
  • Joint honours can be accepted (e.g. Sports Business and Coaching) providing that the relevant subject makes up at least 50% of the degree
Group 1 - Qualifications
  • Minimum UEFA B Licence
Group 2 - Experiences and Qualifications
  • FA Level 1 (or other level 1s such as talent ID or scouting)
  • Other relevant level 2 qualifications (or other level 2s such as talent ID, scouting or PFSA L2)
  • Coaching experience at a professional club (EPL, EFL or WSL1 or WSL 2 clubs only)
  • Coaching experience at a semi-professional club minimum 2 years (National League to North West counties, Woman’s National league)
  • Coaching experience at grass roots level for minimum 2 years (all other coach settings for the male and female game)
  • Playing experience – professional football player or academy players
No undergraduate degree

Entry requirements for no undergraduate degree. Relevant qualifications and experience required:

Group 1 - Qualifications
  • Minimum UEFA B Licence
Group 2 - Experiences and Qualifications
  • Coaching experience at a professional club (e.g. in UK: EPL, EFL, WSL1 or WSL 2 clubs only): Minimum 5 years
  • Coaching experience at a semi-professional club minimum 5 years (National League to North West counties, Woman’s National league) Other relevant level 2 qualifications e.g. scouting or talent
  • Playing experience – professional football player or academy players minimum 3 years

MSc Performance Analysis in Football

Please navigate the dropdown lists below for the detailed entry requirements for the MSc Performance Analysis in Football degree.

Undergraduate degree 2:2 and above

Entry requirements for undergraduate degree 2:2 and above (in one of the relevant subjects listed below) PLUS:

  • One of the listed qualifications or experiences
Relevant Degrees
  • Sport Science
  • Sports Coaching
  • Performance Analysis
  • Talent ID and Development
  • Science in Football
  • Any other practical football degree (coaching or analysis).
  • Joint honours are accepted (e.g. Sports Business and Coaching) if the relevant subject makes up at least 50% of the degree.
Qualifications and Experiences
  • Level 1 qualifications in Performance Analysis / Talent ID (e.g. PFSA, IPSO)
  • Level 1 Coaching qualifications (coaching or analysis)
  • Other relevant level 2 qualifications in PA and TID (e.g., PSFA L2, TID L2, C Licence, Scouting L2).
  • Performance analysis or coaching experience at a professional club (e.g. in UK: EPL, EFL, WSL1 or WSL 2 clubs only)
  • Performance analysis or scouting at a professional club – 2 years +.
  • Performance analysis or coaching experience at a semi-professional club, min 2 years (e.g. in UK: National League to North West counties, Women’s National League)
  • Performance analysis or coaching experience at grassroots level for min 2 years (all other coach settings for the male and female game)
  • Playing experience – professional or academy footballer
Undergraduate degree less than a 2:2

Entry requirements for undergraduate degree less than a 2:2 (in one of the relevant subjects listed below OR any degree in a non-relevant subject PLUS:

  • One qualification from group 1 and;
  • Two experiences or qualifications from group 2
Group 1 - Qualifications
  • Performance Analysis qualifications minimum Level 2
  • Level 1 qualifications in Performance Analysis / Talent ID (e.g., PSFA, IPSO)
  • Level 1 Coaching qualifications (coaching or analysis)
  • Other relevant level 2 qualifications in PA and TID (e.g., PSFA L2, TID L2, C Licence, Scouting L2)
  • FA Level 2 / UEFA C Licence
Group 2 - Experience
  • Has performance analysis or coaching experience at a professional club (e.g. in UK: EPL, EFL, WSL1 or WSL 2 clubs only)
  • Analysis or Coaching experience at a semi-professional club minimum 2 years (e.g. in UK: National League to North West counties, Women’s National League)
  • Analysis or Coaching experience at grass roots level for minimum 2 years (all other coach settings for the male and female game)
  • Performance analysis or scouting at a professional club – minimum 2 years
  • Playing experience – professional football player or academy players
No undergraduate degree

Entry requirements for no undergraduate degree. Relevant qualifications and experience required:

  • one qualification or experience from group 1 and;
  • two experiences / qualifications from group 2
Group 1 - Qualifications
  • Level 3 Football Scouting qualifications
  • Level 3 Performance Analysis
  • UEFA A licence
  • UEFA B Licence: minimum 5 years
Group 2 – Experience
  • Performance analysis or coaching experience at a professional club (e.g. in UK: EPL, EFL, WSL1 or WSL 2 clubs)
  • Analysis or Coaching experience at a semi-professional club, min 2 years (e.g. in UK: National League to NW counties, Women’s National League)
  • Analysis or Coaching experience at grassroots level, min 2 years (all other coach settings for the male and female game)
  • Performance analysis or scouting at a professional club – minimum 2 years
  • Playing experience – professional football player or academy players
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